Editor’s Notebook

© by John Arkelian

The best of writing, photography, art, and argument – on everything from film to foreign policy.

“Ever dreamed of subscribing to a cultural magazine that doesn’t seem to be eating out of the hand of half a dozen media magnates? Something pluricultural and unassuming but nonetheless covering everything worth seeing, reading, doing or listening to for a season? Well, it exists, and in Canada to boot!”

“There is no on-line version or web site, which either makes John a dinosaur or a man of character. (I opt for the second, since the editorial team occasionally has a kind word for me.)”

John Howe — Canadian artist and co-conceptual designer on all three “The Lord of the Rings” motion pictures.

* Editor’s Note: The age of the dinosaurs has at last come to an end — with the arrival of this website!

About Us

Artsforum online is powered by Nexicom high speed internet:  http://www.nexicom.net/

Artsforum Magazine

We’re still under construction… 


Who Are We?

“Fiercely Independent”
“A Dauntless Opponent of Injustice”
“Dares to Challenge the Status Quo
“Impatient with Mediocrity in all its Guises”

Photograph © 2016 by Debra Konrad.

“Non-Partisan, No-Nonsense, and Not in the Least Inclined to Suffer Fools Gladly”
“Driven by an Insatiable Curiosity about the World”
“A Clarion Call of Reason (and Good Sense) in a Wilderness of Media Sound-Bytes”
“Permeated Through and Through with Ardent, Unabashed Idealism”
“A Rare and Remarkable Fusion of Passionate Advocacy and Penetratingly Cerebral Analysis”
“For Those Who Yearn for the World as it Could Be”
“Implacably Hostile to all Forms of Tyranny over the Mind – and Dignity – of Man”

Photograph © 2016 by Debra Konrad.

“Let the Incompetent, Mendacious, Small-Minded, and Self-Serving Beware, for Here is a Zolaesque ‘J’Accuse’ Writ Large”

Subscribing to Artsforum

Subscriptions to Artsforum Magazine are available world-wide.  Contact us for details.

Submitting Work to Artsforum

We would be pleased to consider your submissions for publication in our hard-copy magazine and/or on this website.   Articles and illustrations on a wide range of subjects are welcome, as are art, photography, interviews, critiques, short fiction, poems, memoirs, and letters to the editor.  We strive for excellence in printed word, art, and photography.  We reserve the right to edit materials which

Photograph © 2016 by Debra Konrad.

we accept for publication.  Contributors to Artsforum retain full unfettered copyright in their own work.

A Short History of Us

Artsforum is an award-winning, not-for-profit magazine of arts and ideas based in Canada, established in Fall 2000.  Though most of our readers are situated in the Greater Toronto Area, we have subscribers across Canada, in the United States, and even a few in Europe!  We are dedicated to excellence – and we aim to celebrate the best in writing, criticism, art, and photography.  You’ll find critiques of film, books, DVDs, music, concerts, live theater, and dance in our pages, as well as displays of art and photography.  Our contributors run the gamut from talented newcomers whom we are

Photograph © 2016 by Debra Konrad.

publishing for the very first time to established professionals who already have international reputations.   Every issue of Artsforum contains at least one piece of short fiction; we often feature memoirs; and we occasionally carry poetry.  We cover all areas of performing and visual arts; but, we are not just about arts.  Our popular Ideas section covers such eclectic subjects as international relations, human rights, ethics, responsible government, environmental protection, and law reform.  Above all, we strive to challenge conventional thinking and easy assumptions by encouraging our readers to think critically for themselves – whether the topic be film or foreign policy!  This online edition was established in Spring 2010 to introduce an even wider audience to the ideas, arguments, and

Photograph © 2016 by Debra Konrad.

creativity that have hitherto been available only to readers of our magazine.

In 2014, Artsforum online was nominated for the Art of Transition Creative Award.

A Word About Copyright

Everything on this website – be it words or images – is protected by the copyright law of Canada, the United States, and other countries.   Nothing on this website may be copied or otherwise reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher of Artsforum Magazine.  Copyright violation contravenes both criminal and civil laws and carries severe penalties.  The views expressed on this site and in Artsforum Magazine are those of their authors and

Photograph © 2016 by Debra Konrad.

may not represent the opinion of Artsforum’s publisher.


(a) Members










Photograph © 2016 by Debra Konrad.












(b) Friends of Artsforum

Photograph © 2016 by Debra Konrad.








Photograph © 2016 by Debra Konrad.



(c) Other Points of Interest


Durham Council for the Arts

The Durham Council for the Arts (DCA) was founded in 1963 to support and promote arts, culture, and intellectual excellence in what later became known as Durham Region, on the eastern marches of Toronto, Ontario. The DCA is a federally registered not for profit organization. Contact them through this magazine.

Contact Us

Contact Artsforum through this site with submissions, letters to the editor, comments, and subscription inquiries.


Artsforum online is powered by Nexicom high speed internet:  http://www.nexicom.net/