Editor’s Notebook

© by John Arkelian

The best of writing, photography, art, and argument – on everything from film to foreign policy.

“Ever dreamed of subscribing to a cultural magazine that doesn’t seem to be eating out of the hand of half a dozen media magnates? Something pluricultural and unassuming but nonetheless covering everything worth seeing, reading, doing or listening to for a season? Well, it exists, and in Canada to boot!”

“There is no on-line version or web site, which either makes John a dinosaur or a man of character. (I opt for the second, since the editorial team occasionally has a kind word for me.)”

John Howe — Canadian artist and co-conceptual designer on all three “The Lord of the Rings” motion pictures.

* Editor’s Note: The age of the dinosaurs has at last come to an end — with the arrival of this website!


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* Cinechats Film SeriesCinechats Film Series

Time: 6:30 pm

A weekly series of the best films from around the world -- every Thursday at 6:30 pm. We have films to stir your imagination, engage your emotions, and make you think. They\'re the sort of films you\'d ordinarily have to travel into downtown Toronto to see, including some North American premieres! Each week\'s film is introduced by Artsforum Magazine\'s film critic John Arkelian, who also leads an informal discussion after each film. Join our friendly, interesting, and welcoming group of film-lovers for a journey of continuing education through film.

* Cinechats Film SeriesCinechats Film Series

Time: 6:30 pm

A weekly series of the best films from around the world -- every Thursday at 6:30 pm. We have films to stir your imagination, engage your emotions, and make you think. They\'re the sort of films you\'d ordinarily have to travel into downtown Toronto to see, including some North American premieres! Each week\'s film is introduced by Artsforum Magazine\'s film critic John Arkelian, who also leads an informal discussion after each film. Join our friendly, interesting, and welcoming group of film-lovers for a journey of continuing education through film.

* Cinechats Film SeriesCinechats Film Series

Time: 6:30 pm

A weekly series of the best films from around the world -- every Thursday at 6:30 pm. We have films to stir your imagination, engage your emotions, and make you think. They\'re the sort of films you\'d ordinarily have to travel into downtown Toronto to see, including some North American premieres! Each week\'s film is introduced by Artsforum Magazine\'s film critic John Arkelian, who also leads an informal discussion after each film. Join our friendly, interesting, and welcoming group of film-lovers for a journey of continuing education through film.

* Cinechats Film SeriesCinechats Film Series

Time: 6:30 pm

A weekly series of the best films from around the world -- every Thursday at 6:30 pm. We have films to stir your imagination, engage your emotions, and make you think. They\'re the sort of films you\'d ordinarily have to travel into downtown Toronto to see, including some North American premieres! Each week\'s film is introduced by Artsforum Magazine\'s film critic John Arkelian, who also leads an informal discussion after each film. Join our friendly, interesting, and welcoming group of film-lovers for a journey of continuing education through film.

* Resound Choir Spring ConcertResound Choir Spring Concert

Time: 2:00 pm

Resound Choir Spring Concert on Saturday, March 29 at 2 pm. With music by minority-orientation composers both historical (like Phinot, Tchaikovsky, Saint-Saëns, & Freddy Mercury) and still-living (like Stuart Beach, Jennifer Higdon, & Sydney Guillaume). Plus a new commission by Toronto's Chris Kovarik. Presented theatrically with choral music and spoken-word poetry. As always, we'll partner with various front-line service organizations to spread awareness of community work in Durham Region. Adults $35; post-secondary students $15. At Bond Street Event Center, 44 Bond St. E. Oshawa. For info: resoundbizmanager@gmail.com or https://resoundchoir.ca/